School Council 2017 – 2018 Generosity poem
Tuesday 26th September 2017
Nasra (6D)
Generosity can sweep in like a hurricane, the eye of the storm
not destroying but gathering together everything in its path
A light so enveloping it enchants everyone
The flow of a river entering the heart, mind and soul.
Generosity is like the kindest sun,
not just a ball of fire and heat,
but an orb of tranquillity and love.
Generosity is like the wind, blowing meanness and hatred away
and bringing in a breath of serene peace and kindness.
Watch the hard ground crack open as generosity spews forth
a whirlpool of love, gratitude and kindness.
Shai (6D)
People can sometimes forget their generosity,
leave it behind at home,
but once you really know how important it is
you will remember to bring it with you –
it will be the first thing you stuff into your treasure chest when you have to go.
The spirit of generosity will generously offer itself to you
and if you can accept it every morning
as you sip your hot chocolate
and take a bite of your toast
it will sliver smoothly into your mouth
and eventually find your heart.
Once you leave your home
that handful of generosity
will be ready to be sent off to all the people that deserve it
everyone that is just like you
and you will find generosity waiting for you
when you finally arrive at your destination.
That handful of kindness is ready for its mission
to kill everyone with kindness – and help them live!
Eat your breakfast every morning
and the sweet honey of generosity
will slip across your tongue
and eventually, find your heart.
Ilias (6D)
Piccadilly, Bond Street, and many many more
In these stations beggars lay, destitute on the floor!
Give them kindness, give them coins,
make them rich with hope!
In their blankets, dirty with sorrow
Give them a bar of soap!
Central line, Circle line, District and more,
On the platforms, buskers play… songs galore!
They try to smile as they sing
but their empty baskets on the ground
remind them of their families
and from their eyes, tears trickle down.
Gabriel (4D)
Generosity is kindness
Everything is kindness
You are familiar with generosity
Everyone has generosity inside them.
Rayan (5B)
Kindness is nearly the same as generosity
You can smell kindness in the air
flowers blooming, fresh bread backing
everywhere you go it is there
There can always be kindness
and everyone can be generous, they just don’t know it.
Kyra (6L)
Kindness may be in your coat pocket
you’re generous and helpful
until you’ve grown out of that jacket and throw it away.
Kindness is there on any day at any time,
but you need to find it.
Dig deep, deep down….
maybe even underground
Matilda/Adam/others who didn’t manage to write a poem themselves…?
I climb the stairs at Green Park
Beautiful views, lakes, a small playground,
lots and lots of green…
it really is a park!
Back down, underground, riding in the dark…
The train stops at Mansion House
It might be a big mansion,
for someone famous from the past.
It might be a mansion
where someone lives right now.
or…it might just be an underground station!
I’m scared, I’m lost, I’m lonely
I don’t know where to go
(People can get upset in the underground.)
Ediz (6L)
Normally in the underground
People beg… for kindness.
The echo of the trumpet or guitar
hits you with a wave of familiarity
followed by a tsunami of respect
and topped with a cherry of generosity.
Do you like cake?
Would you like a cake the flavour of respect, co-operation or kindness?
All it costs is a smile, or a warm hug,
or a home for the night.
Eleni (6L)
Generosity comes in many forms,
It can get you through anything,
even through storms.
You don’t need a lot to achieve such things;
You don’t need miracles, you don’t need wings!
You only need a pinch of happiness,
a dash of kindness
a whip of generosity
and nothing more.
Christiana (4MC)
Kindness fills everyone’s heart with love
kindness is the answer to everything
Everyone needs kindness
Chloé (5B)
If someone is being mean
be kind to them and maybe they will be kind back
Everybody has a little good in them
We all deserve a second chance
Kindness follows you everywhere
Kindness can solve almost any problem
Lamys (3M)
The Plea of Kindness
I plead to myself
on this very day
to try to be kind
in every way
to every person
big or small
I will help them
if they fall
When I love myself
and others too
that is the best
that I can do
Simona (4D)
Kindness is all around you
Kindness is in you
Kindness plays with you all the time
Let kindness be your friend
and generosity be your shadow.
Kloe (4M)
When a new pupil comes to your school, give them generosity.
Love is around you so you should share it with the world
It is only kindness that ties your shoes, zip up your jacket, keeps you warm.
A table of love brings generosity to your heart.
Lois (6P)
Everybody has kindness, sometimes you just need help to find it
We have to hope that you have generosity enough to look for it.
Generosity is a must.
Where’s your kindness?
In your bag? In your pocket? No, it’s in your heart.
Generosity is everywhere
Generosity is every weather
Generosity is every year,
every day,
every hour,
every minute
and even every second.
Maya (3I)
Generosity is everywhere.
You can find it in a shop or a house
everywhere you want to go everyone has the generosity
and you can find it in them.
Generosity is amazing.
Kleo (3M)
Generosity is the answer to everything. In the playground I see people holding hands.
You have to be happy with kindness
Generosity is the answer to things we don’t know
Normally in the underground there are people begging for kindness
The echo of music comes to you and hits you with familiarity
The song says, ‘Kill him with kindness’
I say, Generosity is your life.
Everybody has kindness, they just need help to find it
Life is full of generosity.
I rise up from the underground at Victoria
Upstairs you walk
a queen you see
upon her head
a crown glistens and gleams
Ancient she is
Her life was long
She is well known
from far and beyond
Connected to the railway
is her body and heart.
Martyna (5S)
Kindness can be in different parts of our body.
Generosity is spread around the world
You don’t need to deserve, for kindness
Everyone has a bit of generosity inside themselves.
Matilda/Adam/others who didn’t manage to write a poem themselves…?
I rise up from the underground at Oxford Circus
There are coffee shops, Starbucks, a cinema and a Christmas tree,
tour buses, cars and lorries, busy shops and bus stops,
Designer labels, window decorations, shopping bags and music playing.
Loads and loads of people, too many crowds and noise
I don’t know where to go.
Ayaan (5S)
Generosity is the answer to things you don’t know
Kindness and generosity can take you to different places.
Beggars on the street don’t just ask for money,
they ask for kindness –
so at least we should try to fulfil their dreams.
Generosity is the echo that comes back from someone who is alone.
Answers are revealed behind generosity and kindness
Out of the mirror if you are alone you will see someone who is always by your side
Generosity and kindness aren’t just words,
they are qualities that can change and flip the whole world around.
Your body is made out of kindness.
Matilda/Adam/others who didn’t manage to write a poem themselves…?
I rise up from the underground at Temple
a big temple
surrounded by a river
a temple with a minister inside
Crowds of people
Temple of prayer
a decorated temple
This is a City with many temples.
Kindness and generosity together can make big things and can make changes in our lives.
Rise up from the underground here,
at the stop called ‘Generosity’
No ticket necessary, it’s free!
Our hearts, and minds and arms are open and ready to welcome you.