
Regular attendance and punctuality at school is very important for your child’s wellbeing. At Highfield we take Attendance and Punctuality very seriously and are committed to working together with parents to increase the attendance and punctuality of all our pupils. We want to give all of our children the best possible start in life. The facts show there is a close correlation between the amount of time children spend in school and the progress they make. Children who miss school are missing out on essential learning and social interaction.  Although being absent can sometimes be unavoidable, please note at Highfield Primary School we expect all our children to aim for 100% attendance each half term and to be on time every day, every week!

If your child is off school it is very important that you contact us on the school telephone number : 020 8360 2149 ( you can leave us a message) or email us on

0 100% attendance
10 DAYS 95% attendance
19 DAYS 90% attendance
28 DAYS  85% attendance
More than half a term 80% attendance
9 + weeks 75% attendance
Lateness = Lost Learning (figures below are calculated over a school year)
5 mins late each day 3 days lost
10 mins late each day 6.5 days lost
15 mins late each day 10 days lost
20 mins late each day 13 days lost
30 mins late each day 19 days lost

Request for absence – Click here

Attendance Leaflet – Click here to download


 Parents and Guardians

Parents/guardians are responsible for:

• Impressing upon their children the importance of attending school regularly

• Working in partnership with the school to resolve issues which may lead to non-attendance

• Ensuring that they are aware of the Attendance Policy of the school

• Notifying the school regarding absence, on the first day of absence

• Explanations for absences should be confirmed in writing when the child returns to school

• Where possible, arrange dental and medical appointments outside school hours

• Absences during term time will not be authorised unless    “Exceptional Circumstances”, and the days allowed will be at the discretion of the Headteacher

• Ensuring that their children arrive punctually for school, and collecting them on time at the end of the school day

Authorised absence is as follows:

• Child is prevented from attending by sickness or any unavoidable cause

• Religious observance as defined by the religious body to which child belongs

• Participation in approved public performance

• Situations where a school would reasonably exercise discretion to grant leave


Unauthorised absence

All other absences are unauthorised, those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which permission has not been given. This includes:

• parents/carers keeping children off school unnecessarily;

• absences which have never been properly explained;

• children who arrive at school too late to get an attendance mark in the register;

• shopping, looking after other children or birthdays;

• day trips and holidays in term time which have not been agreed;

• Family holidays in term time (The school publishes term dates well in advance)

• Cheaper flights

• Weddings, family gatherings and so on

• Parents should complete a ‘ Request for exceptional absence Form’ (available from the office) if they wish to take their child out of school during the academic year/ or a medical appointment that will take up more than half a day.

If a child has continued unauthorised absence and attendance concerns the Education Welfare Department can apply sanctions and/or legal proceedings.

We want to help your child reach their potential so “Every day counts”

Legal Framework

If a child of compulsory school age who is a registered pupil at a school fails to attend regularly at the school, his parent is guilty of an offence.

Education Act 1996

Please come to the school office to speak to our attendance officer if you have any worries or concerns

Education Welfare Service information