
School uniform is worn from Reception to Year 6 and is optional in Nursery.

At Highfield, we believe that a school uniform is important because:

  • A smart uniform gives a child a sense of pride in themselves and the school  
  • It contributes to a sense of belonging and community
  • It promotes equality between all children 
  • It fosters a feeling of pride
  • It reflects the positive attitude of the school and the children, to those outside
  • It is designed with health and safety in mind

For the reasons outlined above, we ask that all children wear the uniform and encourage them to maintain a good standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform is designed to be practical, maintainable and good value for money. It consists of:

Winter Uniform

  • Black or grey trousers, pinafore or skirt
  • White polo shirt or white shirt
  • Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
    (This does not have to have the school logo on it)
  • Plain black, grey or white socks or tights
  • Black shoes (heels no more than 4cm), black
    trainers or black Doc Martens
  • Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles, etc. should be simple and if possible in school colours

Summer Uniform

  • Black or grey trousers or shorts, pinafore or skirt
  • White polo shirt or white shirt
  • Royal blue/white check summer dress
  • Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece
    (This does not have to have the school logo on it)
  • Plain black, grey or white socks or tights
  • Black shoes (heels no more than 4cm), black
    trainers or black Doc Martens
  • Hair accessories such as slides, ribbons, bobbles, etc. should be simple and if possible in school colours

PE Kit

Your child’s Class Teacher will communicate with you their PE days for the term early in September. On these days they should come to school ready for PE.

Highfield PE Kit consists of:

  • A pair of black or grey shorts 
  • Rec, Year 1 & 2: A plain or school white t-shirt, Years 3-6: A plain or school t-shirt in their house colour
  • Black Trainers 
  • A plain black or grey tracksuit (sweatshirt and joggers) during the colder months


Children in Reception to Year 2 will need a Book Bag. Children in Years 3 to 6 can bring in with them a small rucksack.


In the interest of safety, no jewellery should be worn. The only exception is plain stud earrings but these should be removed on PE days. Watches may be worn by children in KS2 but the school cannot be responsible for the safeguarding of such items.

NB: Please ensure your child does not come to school wearing any form of SmartWatch. They are very distracting for the children and are not needed at school. If your child does come to school wearing a SmartWatch, it will be taken off them and returned at the end of the school day.

Parents are asked to ensure that all items of clothing are labelled clearly with their child’s name and class. This will ensure that in the event of any item of clothing being misplaced, when found it can quickly be returned to the correct child.

IMPORTANT: If your child attends any After School Sports Club (ie. Frontline Football) they can come in dressed in their School PE Kit on this day. They should not be coming into school in non-uniform eg. Football Kits. If they have boots they wish to put on before their Club, they can do so at the end of the day.

We thank all our parents and carers who actively support our school uniform code. If for financial reasons you are unable to provide school uniform for your child, please contact the School Office as we may be able to support you. 

Uniform Orders

Download uniform suppliers details here

Smiths School Wear Price List here