Parent Support
Please click here ( for more information on our in school mental health support service, Place2Be.
Parent Support Service
We work in schools, in children’s centres, in family homes and in the community. Our aim is to listen, support and advise by offering practical parenting strategies, individual work and running parenting groups and workshops.
For more information please call your local Community Parent Support Advisor
020 8372 1500
Parentline Plus Because instructions aren’t included! 0800 800 2222 ‘talking to someone has made all the difference’
- Parents helping parents
- Find out where to go for specialist advice
- Get free information leaflets
Informed Families Enfield (IF)
If you need information about choosing high quality childcare in Enfield or other parenting support information: 020 8482 1066
Lines are open Monday to Friday 8.45 am – 12.00 pm and 1.00 – 4.15 pm except Wednesdays 1.00 – 4.15 pm
Typetalk 18001
IF, is a free, impartial and confidential service that provides information on choosing quality childcare, help with costs of childcare and other parenting support for parents / carers of children and young people up to the age of 20.
We also provide information about an extensive range of local services, including advice and support for young people and teenage parents, care and learning for children and young people up to 25 with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disabilities, parenting support and programmes, positive activities for young people, sexual health and relationship advice, welfare benefits help and other services provided through Enfield’s Parent Support Service.
Email –
National Debt helpline for families struggling with debts: Telephone 0808 808 4000
Solace Womens Aid _ support for families suffering domestic or sexual abuse – Telephone – 0808 802 5565
Information below is adapted from Information provided by Enfield Library and Museum service
Community Parent Support Service Working together with families, to achieve positive outcomes for children and young people aged 0-18
We aim to support parents/carers in areas such as:
Offering practical advice on managing challenging behaviour while encouraging good behaviour, setting boundaries and understanding child and adolescent development.
Our service aims to empower parents/carers, by running parent programmes, groups and workshops with parents, and with parents and children together. These cover all age groups from 0-18.
Contact Us For more information and advice, please contact us on 0208 372 1500 or call the Informed Families free phone line on 0800 694 1066 and select option 3 (free from a local landline. Standard charges apply from a mobile). Alternatively, you can e-mail:
Enfield Parents & Children (EPC)
Enfield Parents & Children is a charity committed to enhancing the life chances of children, young people and their families through a range of support services including the Education Support Service, Family Activities & Volunteering Programme, Father Service, and Counselling Service.
EPC contributes to strengthening families so that they are better able to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for children and remain intact during times of difficulty. EPC do this through a variety of programmes to help children with their education, especially those who need extra support and those from refugee and asylum seeking families; children in transition from primary to secondary school; providing parenting courses and counselling; creating educational and leisure opportunities for disadvantaged families e.g. low income, single parents, special needs.
EPC support families with children aged 5-19 (25 with Special Education Needs).
Telephone: 020 8373 2708
Enfield’s Community Parent Support Service
This is a service for all parents with children aged 0-18 years living in Enfield or attending a school in Enfield. The service works with families, to achieve positive outcomes for children. The service provides advice to parents on setting boundaries for their children and managing challenging behaviour through practical parenting strategies.
The service runs a variety of parenting groups and workshops. For more information ring the Community Parent Support Service directly on –
Telephone: 020 8372 1500 or on 0800 6941066 which is free from landlines.
Special Educational Needs
The special educational needs (SEN) of most children are usually met in the schools themselves. If you think your child has special educational needs you should first speak to your child’s class teacher or the Special Needs co-ordinator located in your child’s school. For more information about SEN services
Telephone: 020 8379 3364 or 020 8379 3203
Young Parents Project
Young Parents Project offers support to young parents and their children in Enfield from the age of 12-19 years. Advice is also available on housing, finance and any other difficulties you may be facing.
Telephone: 0208 807 4691
Assistance for Children Attending School Full Time
For possible assistance with school meals for children in full-time education. Telephone: 0208 379 5367
For possible assistance with uniform grants for children entering reception and Year 7 Telephone: 0208 379 5367
For possible assistance with free travel to and from secondary school – Telephone: 0208 379 3311
Useful Addresses and Contacts for Education
Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)
ACE provides independent advice to parents/carers of children in state-funded schools who are experiencing difficulties such as bullying, SEN, admissions to, and exclusions from, school.
General Advice: 0808 800 5793 Exclusion Advice Line: 0808 800 0377
Exclusion Information Line: 020 7704 9822 (24 hr answer phone)
Department for Education
The new Department for Education was formed on 12 May 2010 and is responsible for education and children’s services. This Government Department website is a vast resource: it holds a wide variety of education reports and statistics. It also has details for all the schools attainment tables. National Enquiry Line: 0370 000 2288 Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m.-5.00 p.m.
Health Matters
Local Health Services
You can get details for local doctors, dentists, opticians, chemists, clinics and family planning centres from your local library.
NHS England
The main aim of NHS England is to improve the health outcomes for people in England. As part of the changes to the NHS brought about by the Health and Social Care Act 2012, Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) ceased to exist on 31 March 2013. As a consequence the websites of these organisations went offline. The responsibilities held by the PCTs and the SHAs were transferred to NHS England formerly established as the NHS Commissioning Board. NHS England will play a key role in the Government’s vision to modernise the health service with the key aim of securing the best possible health outcomes for patients by prioritising them in every decision it makes. NHS England is an independent body at arm’s length to the Government. To contact NHS England please dial Tel No: 0300 311 22 33
Email: Website:
EU Settlement Scheme Factsheet – Advice for EU Parents
There is concern in the borough that only around 50% of EU citizens have applied for, or been granted, settled status in the UK. If that affects you please read the link below.
EU Settlement Scheme Factsheet – Advice for EU Parents
Gemma, Elisha and Yasmine are our new School Wellbeing Practitioners who will be working with children, their families and Staff at Highfield Primary School. They are part of the exciting new team called ‘My Young Mind Enfield’, also known as Mental Health Support Team in Schools, created as part of the Government’s initiative to increase emotional wellbeing and mental health support to children and young people in schools. They work closely with the school and offer a range of support to children and young people experiencing mild to moderate emotional difficulties in school, such as anxiety, behaviour or friendship issues (Department of Health & Department for Education, 2017). For primary school aged children, they work mostly with parents. This is because the research tells us this can be most effective. They will also be supporting our whole school approach to wellbeing, providing psychoeducational workshops or on-going groups to children, parents and Staff to promote mental health and wellbeing in the school community. We have regular liaison with the team about our school community. If you’d like any more information, please do speak to Derya Demir School Mental Health Lead or Cathy Togher School SENCo.
MHST School Wellbeing Practitioner Leaflet