O’Keffe – RJ News
Reception Curriculum Plan |
RJ Class Highlights Summer 2018
term, RJ have been discussing living things and growth. We grew our own cress
and sunflowers.
watched our caterpillars develop and transform into beautiful butterflies.
Jordi – ‘Look, it’s making a cacoon!’
children in RJ were very lucky to be visited by a crab and a tortoise.
Yasin – ‘It’s feet are tickly!’
Transition Day
We have
been discussing what we have enjoyed in Reception and what we are looking
forward to in Year 1. On Wednesday 4th July, the children in RJ
visited their new classroom and met the staff who will be working with them
next year. We were very lucky to have Miss Moody and Mrs Willis spend an
afternoon each in RJ so they could get to know us better.
Isabelle – ‘We listened to a dinosaur story.’
Sumaya – ‘I’m excited for Year 1 beccause we
will still play inside and outside and do reading.’