About Us
Welcome to Highfield Primary School
Highfield Primary School is a two storey Victorian building set in extensive grounds. The school was formed in September 2000 from Highfield Infants and Highfield Junior Schools (formerly known as Winchmore Infants and Juniors).
Our school is a diverse London primary, which serves the local community of Winchmore Hill. We are a very cohesive and inclusive school and we aim to ensure that every member of our school community is equally valued. It is very important for us to get to know you as well as we can. We firmly believe that working in partnership with you is one of the most successful ways to ensure that children make progress. You will be made to feel welcome to come into school to speak to staff about any queries or concerns you may have about your child.
Whilst our last Ofsted in February 2011 was successful, we are neither complacent in attitude nor action. Our school improvement priorities are always focused on ensuring the continual development of fun, challenging and creative opportunities for children, balanced with a relentless drive for ever-improving standards.
Through monthly newsletters I will keep you regularly updated about all of our school developments. We understand what you and your child goes through when first starting at primary school or moving from one school to another. We firmly believe that we are able to successfully provide what the vast majority of parents are looking for within a primary school; notably that children first and foremost are happy. When children are happy and settled, they go on to flourish, progress and develop into well-rounded, respectful, tolerant and independent learners.
I very much hope that should you apply and successfully gain a place, and that you and your child(ren) will be happy at our school.
Maria Kemal