Pupil Leaders

At Highfield we believe it is important that the children feel part of the school community and that their opinions and ideas are valued. We give class representatives responsibilities to help us continue to improve Highfield.

Name Class
Christopher-Cruz Mazo 3CA
Anassa Andreou 3I
Veer Mistry 3L
Violet channing 4A
Bianca Drita 4M
Zelal Tilkidagi 4MC
Ashton Alexis Peart 5B
Alex Lipe 5D
Aaliyah Jhugroo 5D
Arda Oztas 5M
Samsoor Sultani 6B
Besi Akyol 6P


History Ambassadors
Name Class
Romeo 6P
Elizabeth 6P
Leo 6P
Alex 6B
Louca 6B
Dylan 6B


Team Captains
Name Team
Akram Red Team
Alex Red Team
Hashir Green Team
Christiana Green Team
Zara Blue Team
Leart Blue Team
Martyna Yellow Team
Mert Yellow Team


Young Interpreters Sep 2018
Name Class
Julia 4A
Lamys 4A
Olivia 4A
Sudan 4A
Aaryan 4M
Aisha 5M
Jaylen 5D
Christiana 5D
Camilla 5D
Dylan 6B