Enfield local authority recognises that parents may not be able to meet all the costs involved in providing for their children’s needs at school. Consequently, if your child attends a school in the Borough and you are resident within the Borough, you may be entitled to various grants and other types of assistance.
Free School Meals
Who is eligible
Free School Meals can be awarded to children who attend a state maintained school on a full time basis. You can contact us if your child is attending a school in Enfield.
In order to be eligible the parent/carer should be in receipt of one of the following:
Income Support
Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
Employment and Support Allowance (IR)
Assisted as an Asylum Seeker under part 6 of the Immigration Act 1999
Child Tax Credit only, and have an annual income of less thanclick £16,190 (this figure is updated each year from 6th April)
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
Please note that if you are in receipt of Working Tax Credits you will not be entitled to free school meals for your child/children unless your entitlement to Working Tax Credit is being paid to you in the four-week period after your employment has ceased or you have started to work less than 16 hours per week. If this is the case then a free school meal can be provided for that four-week period once you provide your Tax Credit Decision Notice from HMRC.
Who Do You Apply To?
You should make an application to the Council in whose area the child’s/children’s school is situated.
How to Apply.
You will need to complete an application form in black ink and using block capitals. You should ensure that you have signed the form and then post it straight to Pupil Benefits Service, PO Box 56 , Civic Centre, Silver Street , Enfield , EN1 3XQ . Unfortunately any forms that are not signed will be returned and will lead to a delay in the free school meal being given. Forms can be obtained from the school, the Pupil Benefits Service or via the Enfield Council Website.
Is Evidence of Benefit Entitlement Required?
You do not need to provide evidence of your benefit when you submit your form. We will check your entitlement to a free school meal using the Department for Education’s Eligibility Checking Service (ECS). You must ensure therefore, that all the details that you give on the form are accurate and clearly written. Occasionally we might write to you to request certain evidence.
Please note that we are under a duty to protect public funds. Information provided may therefore be used for the prevention and detection of fraud, or shared with other bodies that are responsible for auditing or administering public funds if this is required by law.
For more information about Free School Meals at Enfield please contact 020 8379 5367.
These Benefits below are, depending on financial circumstances:-
- Free school meals – Application form for free school meals is available in the school office
- School Uniform and clothing grants (If your child is in Reception or Year 7) form available here
- Free travel to and from school – TFL Bus/Oyster travel discount – forms available from the Post Office
- Assistance towards the cost of instrumental tuition – If your child is eligible for free school meals or a child looked after by Local Authority.
School term time only 0208 807 8881 – email : , or see the website
EASS – Enfield Arts Support Service (Usually from Year 2 only)
Harmony House,
63 Nightingale Road,
London N9 8AJ
Further details and advice regarding free school meals or a uniform grant, are available from:
Pupil Benefits Service
PO Box 56
Civic Centre
Silver Street
0208 379-5367.