January 2021-Partial Closure/Remote Learning

School Risk Assessment – COVID-19

Remote Learning Provision – January 2021

Updated Remote Learning Provision – January 2021

Google Classroom and Zoom Acceptable Use Agreement

Home school agreement September 2020

Flow chart and procedures for confirmed coronavirus in setting

Pupils Who Are Shielding or Self-Isolating:

We now know much more about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and so in future there will be far fewer children and young people advised to shield whenever community transmission rates are high. Therefore, the majority of pupils will be able to return to school in September. You should note however that:

  • A small number of pupils will still be unable to attend in line with public health advice because they are self-isolating and have had symptoms or a positive test result themselves; or because they are a close contact of someone who has Coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • Shielding advice for all adults and children will pause on 1 August, subject to a continued decline in the rates of community transmission of Coronavirus (COVID-19). This means that even the small number of pupils who will remain on the shielded patient list can also return to school, as can those who have family members who are shielding. Read the current advice on shielding.
  • If rates of the disease rise in local areas, children (or family members) from that area, and that area only, will be advised to shield during the period where rates remain high and therefore they may be temporarily absent.
  • Some pupils no longer required to shield but who generally remain under the care of a specialist health professional may need to discuss their care with their health professional before returning to school (usually at their next planned clinical appointment). You can find more advice from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health at COVID-19 – ‘shielding’ guidance for children and young people.



Since the recording of this video Public Health England have advised that routinely taking temperatures is not a reliable method for identifying coronavirus so we will only take children’s temperatures if they appear unwell.’