Vision & Achievements


At Highfield our vision is to provide as many children as we can with the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting experiences.  We wish them to enjoy sport and to learn and develop through their participation in physical activity regardless of their level of competition.

We aim to build a shared ethos of success, support and self-belief through the provision of high quality curriculum P.E. and through training and involving a growing number of staff in the provision of extra curricular sport.

% of children per year group who are currently accessing extra curricular physical activities

Year Group % who took part in extra curricular sport last year % of year group involved in extra curricular P.E. % increase since 2012-13 % of children who played competitive sport
Reception 0% 0% 0% 0%
Year 1 0% 7% +7% 7%
Year 2 0% 100% 100% 96%*
Year 3 0% 39% +39% 30%
Year 4 2% 44% +42% 28%
Year 5 12% 49% +37% 38%
Year 6 14% 60% +46% 41%


Achievements since the implementation of P.E. Premium Funding

  • We have created and developed a new post of specialist sports coach at Highfield.
  • We have Introduced 13 new extra curricular opportunities for children across both Key Stages.
  • We host many Borough Events including the Girls Football league and Borough Netball league
  • We have provided opportunities for our children to take part in inter-school competition within the majority of these sports.
  • We have increased staff participation in the running of extra curricular activities.
  • We now provide children with access to at least 2 hours of high quality Physical Education per week (weather permitting).
  • We have ensured that high quality planning tools are available to teachers.
  • We have provided staff with training opportunities to improve their confidence and widen their knowledge base.
  • We have invested in technology to detail and assess children’s improvement in Gymnastics.
  • We have invested in new playground markings to improve our P.E. Learning environment
  • We have arranged sponsorship and bought in new kits for sports teams.
  • We are rebuilding strong links with Winchmore Secondary School
  • We have achieved the Sainsurys kitemark Silver Award