Your Comments

“”At Highfield Primary School we are very proud of our achievements, and for all the acknowledgements we receive from
our Pupils, Parents/Carers, Staff, Governors and our Community.
Thank you

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Dear Miss Fusco!

Thank you for the get well cards from the class! – it was a really nice surprise and helped push towards her getting better. We were so excited to see such great handwriting on the envelope.

Having her friends think of her made a big difference as she doesn’t have brothers, sisters or cousins. What a great school, teachers and class! We’re lucky to be a part of the community. I hope we can be a part of the school in the future, volunteer on school trips and alike.

Thanks again for the well wishes, good thoughts travel!

Parents of N.K.K

Dear Highfield,
Just a little note to thank you all very much for running such an amazing International Day!  What an excellent idea to have each class representing a country, and have them all visit each other to learn about different countries and cultures.  My children had a wonderful day and have come home enthusing about it all. They enjoyed all the crafts and dancing so much.

Well done Highfield!
Stephanie Rizzo

Just a nice message from a parent who said they feel very welcome when they drop their child into school and look forward to seeing Mrs Tailor at the gates as she is always very friendly and kind.

The compliment was from Lucas’ mum in RP.

Good Evening,
My name is Dee I am the Mum/coach from Our Lady of Lords who played at your school this afternoon.

I just wanted to tell you about a wonderful girl who played in position of goal keeper, a black girl whose name I have unfortunately forgotten. What an amazing ambassador for your school. She came over and met us, introduced herself and told us everything we needed to know before we started playing.

It isn’t often the kids get congratulated but she was super polite, mature and completely endearing. What a charming girl! An asset to the team and your school.

We hope to bump into her again. Please pass on our thanks.

Hello Mrs Kemal,

I would just like to extend my congratulations on the marvellous “Outstanding” result achieved by Highfield Primary School this April.

My daughter is starting at your school in September, so I had already chosen Highfield prior to this grading.

The reason I chose Highfield as my first option as opposed to the other schools I had visited (one of which was already “Outstanding”) was because I felt that the vision and ethos of the school permeates throughout. I did not get this strong sense of vision at any other school I visited.

It was also my old primary school…some 37 years ago!! But to be honest I had heard mixed reviews in recent years about the school. But when I visited and saw the amazing efforts that were displayed around the school, like the tables of balls to reward kindness, politeness etc…, the animals in the playground, the displays by the children, I formed an affiliation with this school that I had not felt in any of the other schools that I visited. And not just a nostalgic one!

The way the visits were constructed and the fact that you as Head Teacher took the time to come out and address the group of parents showed how much you are a huge part of the overall vision of the school. Again the other schools I visited did not put so much time and effort into presenting their schools as you did. This went a long way with me as I’m sure it did with other parents.

Looks like Ofsted agreed! It’s such an amazing achievement and a tribute to you and your efforts.

To quote you…”Highfield may not be the school that all the Mums talk about in Sainsbury’s….” ….well its looks they will be now!!!

Look forward to seeing you on the 28th June at the pre-school meeting.

Again many thanks and congratulations for such an amazing job and turning Highfield School into the “Outstanding” school that it so clearly deserves to be.

Warm regards

Angela Christodoulou

Parent Comments 2015 & 2016 – please click here


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“I would like to take this opportunity to also say thanks for the experience that I had here at Highfield. From my first day of work I have been made so welcome by all staff and children. In my experience of supply teaching, this has been the most rewarding and I do not look forward to saying goodbye to you all. I love the diversity of both staff and children which I feel creates a real caring community within the school. I feel that I can now confidently move forward in my teaching career with the intention of starting and completing my NQT induction this year. I want to wish you and all at Highfield the very best for the future working towards your outstanding goal”  Supply Teacher

“Noticing the impact of interventions, seeing a child smile when they have achieved is one of the greatest feelings and the reason I work in education” TA

“I have noticed how effective allowing the children independence is,  exposing them all to higher order learning, letting them take responsibility for their learning” Year 4 class teacher

” I think that I have a great relationship with the children in my class and I am proud of them as learners and as growing human being” Year 5 class teacher

“Self evaluation /reflection is an important part of each pupils learning, we must give them an opportunity and the time to do this”  HLTA

“Improving the school as a team is far more satisfying than trying to make a difference alone. Watching other members of SLT make a difference and grow as leaders makes me happy” Assistant Head (Member of SLT )

“It makes me feel very pleased to know that we have made a difference to the development of our very young learners ” Reception Teacher

” When children understand concepts taught and can use and apply them, that’s when I know I have made a difference!!!!” Class Teacher

” I have seen how my advice has impacted on teachers and seen that positively impact children’s learning” Assistant Head ( Member of SLT )

“My new role as line manager, has helped me reflect about my own practice, aiming higher and offering the children I work with the best opportunities I can give them ” HLTA – Line Manager

” I can tell I have made a difference when monitoring progress, when children have made outstanding progress it is a great feeling – knowing that you guided them to get there” Class teacher

“I love working with the children in Dali class. I really feel that I do make a difference by helping the children with their social skills and their learning – this makes me extremely proud of what I do” SEN TA

“A vision is at the heart of learning” Assistant Head ( Member of SLT )

“I am very proud to be part of the enthusiastic and dedicated Teaching Team of Highfield Primary School where children feel secure and safe and above all are happy, eager and enjoy learning.  Whilst teaching at Highfield Primary School the things I have noticed more than anything are how the children take great pride and pleasure displaying their work, their commitment to fund raising and helping others, their politeness and their outstanding behaviour” Ms Johnson Reception Teacher

“Working at Highfield is enjoyable and a pleaseure. The children are polite and eager to learn. The staff are helpful and this is why Highfield is a great place to be” Mrs Omar SEN TA

” The children make Highfield Primary School a wonderful place to work” – Miss Wren Teacher

“It means giving the the children the tools to chase their dreams” – Mrs Lynch Learning mentor

” The Highfield choir always sing beautifully when entertaining members of the local community. This year they sung traditional carols at, Sainsburys, Reardon Court, The North London Hospice and Winchmore Baptist Church. Not only do they sing marvellously, but they behave impeccably. They are a true asset to the school” –  Mrs Stoughton HLTA

” Our children are a delight and a pleasure to work with. They make my job worthwhile” – Mrs Yianni NNEB

” I like it when I am able to turn a frown into a smile” – Mrs Christodoulou Learning Mentor

“We really enjoy working at Highfield, all the staff are lovely to work with. Our families and their children make Highfield the best place to work” – School Office Staff


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Pupils were asked – “What is it like being a pupil at Highfield Primary School” ?


The thing that I like about Highfield Primary School is that I really enjoy learning in class and have lots of friends that always play with me.


Age 10

Being a pupil at Highfield Primary School is great because you meet lots of kind friends that help you with work and play with you. The adults that work with you in the lessons are great because they will help you with anything you don’t get.


Age 8

At Highfield Primary School you get to do lots of fun things eg: ICT, Art and Science. In Literacy you get to write paragraphs, poems and even documentaries. In Maths you get to learn multiplication, adding, subtracting, division and how to draw using squares and much more. In Art we get to draw Egyptian Gods, in Science we do experiments and keep records of information gathered. There are lots of other reasons why I like being a pupil at Highfield, much, much more than I can write down!


Age 7

It’s exciting being at Highfield because we learn new things and do lots of different things; we make new friends and its fun. We read more to learn more new words.

Christopher Cruz

Age 6

The feeling of being in a bright and happy school is AMAZING. To combine fun learning gives us energy and turns us into happy and healthy children. We are proud that we attend this school. The teachers produce that positive and bright energy, really making learning fun. I love my school!


Age 10

It’s really fun being a pupil at Highfield Primary School because you have lots of teachers and friends that can help you out no matter what situation you’re in. We are an anti-bully school where everyone has to be kind to each other.


Age 11

Highfield Primary School is a very nice place to be at. Teachers always try and make things fun and fair for everyone. Our school is an outstanding school. We learn wonderful things and make good friends. I love coming to school every single day.


Age 8

I think it is an amazing opportunity to be a pupil in this OUTSTANDING! School because pupils and teachers are so kind, helpful and very sweet.


Age 9

I love being a pupil at Highfield; we have many toys and a massive playground!

It’s easy to make friends and we have fun learning and many more fun activities are provided for us beforehand.


Age 9

I like Highfield Primary School because it is a fun place to learn. I have lots of friends and I really like my teacher. I enjoy reading and going to the library.


Age 7

At Highfield Primary School, vision of excellent learning is shown by all members of staff. Contributing their time as teachers to help the next generation of adults creates a better social community. At Highfield children become more confident in their learning. Highfield teaches different values to their students to help them to have a better understanding and brighter future. Fun and interactive games are used to indulge students to participate more in class and encourage them. In my opinion Highfield is the best school ever!


Age 10

I feel happy coming to school because I learn lots of new things.

I like my teachers, they make me happy. I enjoy being a part of a team with my friends and we are kind to our each other.


Age 6

Being a pupil at Highfield Primary School is Amazing! Whenever I come to school I feel safe and happy. I’m a Mini Mentor and I love helping children when they have a problem.


Age 11

Being a pupil at Highfield means better education and caring teachers, for example we have caring welfare staff like Mrs Tailor and Mrs Kataria. The teachers like Miss Dawson, Mrs Lock, Mr Kennedy help you in every way that they can. I feel proud to be here because we’re an Outstanding School.



Age 10

It is great being a pupil at Highfield because everyone respects you. It’s lovely to be elected to be an Eco Councillor and to have a School Council because you get to do different activities.


Age 9

It is exciting, fun and amazing being a pupil at Highfield because you get to see wonderful teachers and children. It is an adventure because I go on the grass and on the climbing frame. I also go on school trips to exciting places like Woodcroft Wild Life and The Zoo. It is really nice to experience different tasks and different types of work.


Age 7

Comments 2016 – Please click here
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“During RE week I visited the 5S assembly, every child composed a poem on “How do you think the world was created ? ” The pupils made up their own prayer, danced, sung and read their poems read out. The information on the Tibetan Prayer flags were very interesting. The whole assembly was full of facts and well performed. Credit must go to the staff for bringing it all together and of course to the pupils who clearly enjoyed performing.” – Chair of Governors

“Please can you pass on my thanks and congratulations to everyone involved in the wonderful poetry performance at the North London Hospice this week.  It was a pleasure and a privilege to attend. The children were all highly engaged with the project and they were a credit to the school and the work of Cheryl Moskowitz. Beyond developing their poetry and public speaking skills, the children gained a wealth of knowledge from getting to know the patients and sharing their memories.  The patients all said how much they had enjoyed the project. Well done to all the teachers, children, patients and staff at the hospice.  I hope the partnership can continue.” – Letter sent from a Parent Governor who visited the Hospice with some of our children

” I attended the Christmas Story performed by the children in Year 2 and Year 3, it was an excellent performance. I joined the families for coffee in the dining hall then enjoyed a tour of the school” -LEA Governor

” The termly SEN coffee mornings that are set up by the Inclusion Manager are extremely popular. The outside speakers who attend support the families with all their individual needs” – SEN Governor

” I attended a brilliant assembly by a Year 3 class. They had been learning about Fairtrade. The children were very proud to give us all the information about being more aware of what we are buying. They presented amazingly – their passion brought a tear to my eye” – Parent Governor

” I accompanied the Highfield School choir when they performed at the North London Hospice in Barrowell Green. The residents were so touched by the beautiful singing and the way that the children spoke to them. It was a very moving experience for us all” – Chair of Governors

” I st in on a Year 5 class for 20 minutes. The levels of discipline were very high and the students were all engaged, enjoying the lesson and learning” – Literacy Governor

” I had a great school tour with two Year 6 pupils who are very proud of their school. The atmosphere around the school was very calm and friendly.  I was particularly impressed by all the work that is carried out to ensure children are not bullied or feel lonely ” – Parent Governor

” I attended the coffee morning, the school had organised for the Educational Psychologist to be the main speaker. It was an excellent talk and very well attended ” – Parent Governor

” I spent the morning in the school and worked  in a Year 1 class with reading, I was impressed with the high expectations and level of reading taking place in the class. I sat in on a meeting held by the Headteacher on introducing new families to the school, it was an excellent speech” – Parent Governor – Governor of the month

“I accompanied the school choir who sang at a local church on a Sunday morning. The congregation were amazed at how well they performed the Christmas Carols. Many Thanks to the Highfield choir and staff.” Community Governor

” I joined a Year 4 class on a walk around the local area as part of their Geography topic. The pupils behaviour was excellent and a member of the public spoke to the class teacher commenting on the excellent behaviour of all the pupils” – Chair of Governors

” I went with the choir when they sang at Highlands Village Sainsburys, not only was the performance amazing ( on such a bitter cold day) thepublic complimented the children on their behaviour. The bus driver also complimented them on their behaviour and respect they showed on thebus” – Parent Governor

“I gave a talk to the Nursery children about being a grandmother, it was part of their work on families. They asked lots of questions and spoke about their Grandparents. It was most enjoyable.” – Parent Governor


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Dear Maria and Lois,

I had a lovely time at your school yesterday afternoon and thank you so much for having me. The reception and office staff were very pleasant and the course ran smoothly as a result. A special thank you to you Lois, as I could not have run the session without your support.

Please can you pass on my thanks to the person who put out the chairs. It is always a delight to walk through your school as the displays are second to none. Thank you so much again from me and all the 31 NQTs present.

Best wishes

Jan Hickman, Enfield PE Advisor

“Thank you so much for allowing me to be an observer at this evening’s meeting. It was good to meet you and the other governors and to see how another school governing body functions.
I certainly found it very interesting and have taken quite a number of ideas that we could certainly use at my school. Best wishes and hope to meet up again soon.” – Letter sent to Mrs Kemal from a Governor at a local primary school

“It has been a great pleasure working with you all at Highfield and I hope we can work together again in the future as it really is my favourite school in the borough. Very best wishes to you all.” -Debbie from Art Start

“Thank you for your lovely message about the video. It was great to work with the children, who were all a credit to Highfield, as well as Gina and Michele who did a fantastic job in planning and throughout the filming day. We hope the video will be a helpful resource.” – Message to Mrs Kemal from  Acapmedia company who produced Highfield Anti-bullying video

“It was really lovely that your nursery children have been brought over to the library. They were so well behaved and very good at listening. The afternoon group sang like a choir, they were brilliant” – School Library Liaison Officer

“It was a pleasure to visit Highfield Primary School, but a shame we couldn’t stay for too long. It was nice to see such well behaved children and lovely to see them enjoying themselves.” – Comment from a fire fighter visiting the nursery, May 15

“Thank you for letting us visit your school. We really loved the ambiance of the your school, the staff seemed good and we liked the discipline in the playground. If you happen to come to India please do come and visit us.” – Part of a letter to Mrs Kemal from a visitor to the school

“Please accept this little treat as a token of our gratitude for your support in completing these forms at this busy time of the year. We look forward to meeting with you in the near future.” – Edmonton County Transition Team.

“Many thanks for allowing the PE Team to hold their Summer term Subject Leaders meeting at your school yesterday. It was delightful to come to Highfield and see your ‘new’ school.
We were welcomed from the moment we arrived and it was so good to have the tables and chairs, refreshments plus IT facilities ready. The changes in PE, over the last two years at Highfield Primary School, are significant. Your impact statement, using the PE Premium Funding, is spot on and we showed it to the group as an example of good practice. We are interested to hear how teaching and learning improves as a result of the playground markings. The subject Leaders were ‘blown away’ by the design and potential of these. Our  best wishes for the rest of the term and once again, sincere thanks to you and all your staff for enabling the meeting to flow so fluently yesterday.” – Jan and the Enfield PE Team

“I am down from Scotland visiting London and have just taken a tour on the River Thames. Most of the other passengers were students from your school and I wish to compliment you on having such well behaved children. It was delightful as they waved and shouted a cheerful hello as we went under the bridges. Well done Highfield! I was so impressed I took a note of the school name so that I could email you.” – Madelaine Cave, Presenter, – Email sent to the school whilst Year 6 children were on their London/Thames trip

“I like living on Highfield Road, and enjoy using your school hall for evening classes.  There’s always great artwork and projects on the go and I think that your school is an asset to the community,
Thanks for taking the time to read my email and for responding so quickly and conscientiously to my concerns.
I do appreciate your efforts and continue to be a big supporter the school.” – Local Resident

“I would like to let you know that I think you children are the loveliest children I have worked with in a long time – and I have travelled the country doing this. ……….The parents should be proud to send their children to such a great school. Keep up the good work.” – Sent to Mrs Kemal from a visiting Theatre Company

