Banksy – 4M News

  Year 4 Curriculum Plan – Spring Term


4M Class highlight

4M Summer


4M are Football Heroes!

This term 4M have been very lucky and have worked with Coach
Dan. Coach Dan is from the FA skills programme and coached us on how to play a
skilled and fast paced game of football. Each session started with Coach Dan
introducing a new focus skill and explaining how it was instrumental in playing
a successful game of football. During the sessions we were taught different
ways of dribbling, defending and shooting the ball to enhance our game play.
Throughout each session we played a variety of different games that
incorporated the different focus skills, which not only boosted our confidence
with the game but also our enjoyment. 4M would like to say a big thank you to
Coach Dan for coaching us and to Mrs Lock for organising it.

‘FA Skills sessions with Coach
Dan were fun and enjoyable. I really liked learning new skills like dribbling
and defending the ball’. –Tayla

4M are explorers!

On the 11th July, 4M became explorers and delved
deeper into the natural habitats found at Highfield Primary. We took part in a RSPB
Workshop led by Jo, who taught us about how important it is to look after our
local habitats. Did you know that at the front of our school there are over 10
different habitats found? During the session we observed insects in their
natural surroundings and consulted the RSPB’s ratings for commonly found
habitats to see how effective they are providing basic needs. The session was
well enjoyed by all, with many of us choosing to continue our learning during
lunchtimes and playtimes! We would like to say a big thank you to Jo for
delivering the session and to Miss Barton for organising it.

‘I liked how we had the chance to
discover local habitats and learning new ways of protecting our environment’.

4M go international!

On Friday 6th July Highfield Primary celebrated
International day. The day begun with each year group singing a song they had
learnt in a different language. In year 4 our language was Chinese and we had
spent several weeks preparing for the whole school singing assembly. As part of
the day’s events, we learnt about Chinese culture and produced beautiful Willow
pattern fans as a craft project. Linked to the World Cup, we also learnt about
Russia and produced beautiful replicas of Saint Peter’s square to display. A
fun time was had by all, and many new facts were learnt and shared. A big thank
you goes to Ms Dawson for organising the day.

 ‘I enjoyed hearing everyone sing international songs which were sung in
different languages.’- Jessica

‘It was really fun learning about
different cultures and making crafts related to China and Russia’. -Eva


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