Vision and Values




At Highfield we strive to provide each child with the tools they need to become their very best selves. We aim to instil within them the skills and values which will enable everyone to positively contribute to the diverse world we live in.


We will:

  • Ensure that all pupils at Highfield continue to access an exceptional education that will equip them with the skills, knowledge and values to lead successful lives.
  • Support every child to feel confident in critically analysing the amazing and diverse world we live in.
  • Enable all children to be independent thinkers, to be resilient and curious to learn and to be aware of the impact of their interaction with, and responsibility for, the immediate and wider environment.
  • Offer all pupils equity of opportunity.

Through our curriculum reflect and value cultural diversity that the school has and use it to enrich children’s experience and understanding; to help recognise and counter discrimination and prejudice of all kinds.

  • Promote and celebrate our Core Values of Respect, Cooperation and Kindness.

We achieve this by:

  • Having a curriculum that is focused on giving all children the knowledge, skills and values they need to lead successful lives.
  • Through engaging teaching that effectively uses questioning, feedback and retrieval so that all children are engaged in their learning and what they have learnt is embedded in their long-term memory
  • Providing a stimulating learning environment to encourage investigative and meaningful engagement with the learning process.
  • Providing excellent learning opportunities beyond the classroom for all children.
  • By knowing every child well and as a result being able to effectively provide the support and challenge that each child needs to succeed.
  • Raising self-esteem and self-worth through celebrating all of our children’s success, not only in their academic achievement but also in how they show the values of our school through how they treat others.
  • Promoting a high standard of behaviour in our school community through our curriculum that enables all children to understand our values and live by them. We are proactive in speaking to children and parents about their views of behaviour in the school and addressing their concerns.
  • Understanding the role that the school has in showing every child the positive role that they can have in the wider community.
  • We work in close partnership with parents, carers and community.
  • We celebrate the diversity of our school and local area and play a central role in our local community.

In an environment which is:

  • Safe and nurturing
  • Fun, exciting and purposeful
  • Respectful and inclusive
  • Well resourced

Our Values

At Highfield we have three core values; Cooperation, Kindness and Respect. They are at the heart of everything we do at the school. They are how we act towards each and how we expect others to act towards us. They are threaded through our curriculum so they are meaningful and understood by the children.

Every term the School council choose a 4th value. This term they have chosen ‘Optimism’. The children will be learning that we can be optimistic, even when facing challenges. 

What we say about our values

We asked children, staff, parents and governors what our school values mean to them.



How can we show the value of cooperation to each other?

Togetherness, team work, everyone takes part, talking and listening to share ideas, working together to achieve things, taking turns, playing with everyone, joining in games 

How can we show cooperation to teachers?

Eye-contact, teamwork, listening, sharing, working together, patience, good manners.


How can we show the value of kindness to each other?

Show new children around, play with others, stand up for others, help others if they are hurt, support each other to learn, smile, share, listen, let someone play with you, cheer each other up, give compliments, teach someone to do something, help each other achieve.

How can we show kindness to teachers? 

Follow the  rules, work hard, help to tidy up, smile, listen


How can we show respect to each other?

Listen to people’s thoughts and feelings, listen to others, respect others feelings, don’t interrupt when someone’s working, don’t make fun of people, respect each others’ cultures, be kind and polite.


How can we show our core values each other?


By sharing ideas and resources, supporting one another, getting involved and being helpful, respect for all, empathy and understanding, flexibility.


 Give people time, work as a team, listen to each other, set an example for the children, show empathy and understanding


 Value others point of view, embrace and support new iniatives, respect differences, support and encourage one another.

How can we show our values to children?


Be friendly and approachable, develop a positive, trusting relationship, acknowledge all steps in progress, regardless of how small they may seem, be the child’s voice when required, praise children for showing perseverance.


Create a culture where making mistakes is okay, always be welcoming and smile, provide a safe and secure environment, always be approachable, be inclusive.


Value each child as an individual, show appreciation for what they do, follow up issues where needed, always be clear and consistent.

How can we show our values to parents?


Giving ideas and guidance for learning, being friendly and approachable, work together with parents, listen. 


Recognising each child as an individual with unique needs, being fair, being trustworthy, having a calm and friendly manner, be approachable.


Listen, treat parents as you would want to be treated, respect differences, establish positive lines of communication, respond to concerns.


How can we show the school values to staff?

Show patience re convenient times to meet, support the school values, understand their challenges, support the children by helping with homework, be polite and respectful, be open minded.

How can we show the school values to each other?

Support each other, be friendly and helpful, be accepting of different cultures, show kindness

How can we show the school values to children?

Help children have a good night’s sleep, support the school’s ethos, talk to children about how to deal with difficult situations, encourage respect and tolerance for others. 


How do you show the school’s values in your role as a governor?

Being open to talk to parents who have queries; Being understanding and patient when talking to school; Respect for the huge amount of work and commitments of all members of staff in the school; Respect for the policies and procedures that must be followed, have constructive discussions with subject leads and hold the school to account.

Our 3 Jars

At Highfield we have 3 jars which represent 3 words that are very important to us:


Click here for 3 Jars information



Our children talked about their Rights and their Responsibilities

As part of our original charter the children decided what qualities make a “good teacher and a good pupil”

All these ideas were put into Highfield’s Childrens Charter.
In 2014 we extended our Charter and looked at the
‘United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child’ (with Unicef)
The Chair of the School Council and the Headteacher both agree and sign the declaration every year.

Click here to see our Children’s Charter 2023-24.